Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

WAAAAAAGH Space Ork Raiders

So on a whim I picked these up off Ebay.  Well actually more at the prodding of BulldogLopez.  The box was in excellent shape and came with 26 orks.

Then I got this champion and things are starting to fall into place.
Not sure when I will get these started, but am quite looking forward to this little side project.  I'm thinking of calling them the Black Toof's but not sold on that yet.  I will update as I start working on them. 


  1. Good haul. Those old ork sculpts were lovely, far more character and interesting than the current crap.

    1. Totally agree. There some really fun sculpts. Can't wait to start getting them painted.

  2. They're a cool bunch, these are actually the models that got me to love orks after ignoring them for 25 years ! You should have fun ;)

    1. Yup I'm the same wAy. Never given Orks much thought till now. Looks like me Oldhammer is getting more refined lol.

  3. Looking forward to seeing what you do with these, they're cracking, characterful sculpts. Would love to see some sort of tattoo or marking to identify them all as the same clan...

    1. Thanks Stuart...that is the plan. Right now the idea is to loosely base them of of the Mad Max Fury Road War boys.

  4. Damn I remember getting a few sprues second hand back around when I was 10 I think, my Dad brought them from Camden Market, I remember making them up at boarding school but I have no idea whatever did happen to them.

    Needless to say, as long as the price was fair, that's a nice haul.

  5. I need to start trawling for these.

    1. They are awesome once you get a hold of them!!!! Really looking forward to this project!
