Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Enemy of the State

Ya that's right the Will Smith, Gene Hackman movie.  Well I was watching it the other night, and then in the final scene I got a bit of a surprise that I had never seen.  His kid is reading a White Dwarf, well I don't think it is an actual White Dwarf it looks more like a small insert catalog.  When he turns it I think it has the Ork Garagant on the front like the cover of White Dwarf 181.  However the back is a definite Games Day flyer. The White Dwarf Date and Movie Date are three years off though so not entirely sure that is is 181.

Anyway I thought is was interesting.




  1. Beautiful find! I take this opportunity to congratulate you for the comics style of your Blog. I love it:)

  2. Wow, I totally would've missed that. I know I did when i originally saw the movie, but I hadn't gotten back into the hobby yet. Your new banner is totally baller by thee way. Did you draw it yourself? Also wondering if you're thinking of going up to Schaumberg for adepticon? Orclord said he was going and it does sound tempting.

    1. Ya i have watched several times and only noticed it now. Thanjs on the banner. I got Zhu to do it fir me. Im probably not going to make Adepticon. However I am planning to go to Historicon in July, if your up for that.

    2. Cool, I thought I saw Zhu's style in there but wasn't sure. He captured Black Vasken's army really well. Adepticon is just after we get back from our Spring Break and the boy has a big track meet the weekend of the con, so I'm on the fence. I'll look at Historicon, I seem to remember a lot of the VA peeps talking about doing Oldhammer there. It would be cool.

  3. That little tidbit is better than the whole actual movie.

  4. That is a truly epic bit of lead spotting. Like what you've done with the place.

    1. Thanks Zhu on both accounts. ;)
      I got a post telling people all about it for next week.
