Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Legions of Undeath

So I have been meaning to get a start on my undead horde before the actual horde gets here.  Yes I helped fund Zombicide Black Plague because you know fantasy zombies!

Me and my brothers are actually obsessed with World at War Nazi Zombies, and when we get together to play we always do Verruckt.  If you don't know what I am talking about you are so missing out!!!

Anyway way back when Westwind came out with 25mm Nazi Zombies and of course we bought a horde of them and played many games with them.

At heart though, and you all know this I am a fantasy player.  I will always choose sword over gun.  ;)

So when the Black Plague was announced...uh....ya...I was so there!

Here is the start to my grand horde that will blindly stagger around my game table getting in the way of quest after quest.


  1. Very good starting for your undead horde !!
    Nice shields :)

  2. That barbarian's sword is wicked. And i'm listening to The Sword as I type this... even more trippy.

  3. Awesome work! I love that old chaos champion

    1. Thanks Ross. Ya he is a good one. I had really been debating where to stick him. I finally settled with the skeletons. I do not regret the choice. LOL

  4. Very cool. I also backed Black Plague, or whatever it's called. I'll be curios to see what you do with the figures. One thing I'm fretting about for other "games with miniatures" is whether or not to cut them off their bases and base them up for WFB. I have Blood Rage and Dungeon Saga right now. Then Conan and Zombiecide BP on their way.

    1. Ya I will have to decide once they get here. At the moment I'm thinking basing them on squares.
