Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Happy Holidays from Give'em Lead

Happy Holiday's Friends and Followers.  It has been quite a year!  I hope you find some hobby time over the holiday season.  I appreciate all who comment and interact here in my little slice of the interwebs.

Wishing you all a glorious 2016!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Frostrgrave is Old news...Zombicide Black Plague arrived at my door today!

So yes Zombicide Black Plague arrived today! Cya later frostgrave, LOL.  I am so excited!  As you can see it came in a custom box of nerdage.  I am just blown away by the quality of this game.  This is just the main game set.  All of the add ons are supposed to arrive first quarter of biggy.  I would much rather wait for it to be right, then get a rushed product.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Frostrgrave Warband

So I finally got my Frostgrave warband painted up.  Most of these figures had been languishing on the painting table begging to be finished.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Legions of Undeath

So I have been meaning to get a start on my undead horde before the actual horde gets here.  Yes I helped fund Zombicide Black Plague because you know fantasy zombies!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A traveling Oldhammer Wizard for Forstgrave

This lovely magic user is a a Mark Copplestone sculpt from Grenadier miniatures.  Available from several sources, I got mine from Mirliton.  He reminds me a lot of Disney's Merlin.

He might be a perfect start to a Frostgrave warband.  I have been hearing so many good things about Frostgrave, I might need to give them a try.

He has been languishing on the painting table begging to be finished for months.  He finally cast a spell that got the job done.

I can't say enough about these Grenadier Copplestone figures with their clean lines and and effective poses.  The miniatures virtually paint themselves.  They have truly stood the test of time.