Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Welcome to Hammer Hollow

So I am finally getting around to putting my terrain board together.  This has been in the planning stages for quite some time.  Well with a bit of free space on the painting schedule, I decide to get after it.

After scouring the interwebs for inspiration I finally settled on what I needed.  I got my hills cut, my accessories ordered, and bought some spray foam.

So this is going to be Hammer Hollow a 4x4 board made up of four 2x2 sections. With each section being it's own little location.  So far I have the Spider Wood, the Black Tower, The Pit, and Hog Hill (names subject to change).

On with the pic's....oh and did I mention spray foam is really fun to use!

So still very much a work in progress.  I'm going to tackle each section one at a time so will post as I complete them.  The landscape will be littered with vases, candles, skulls, and treasure chests.  Any questions comments welcome, and hit me up with alternate names.  Who knows yours might stick. ;)


  1. Spray foam is great for obelisks and shrines of Nurgle, and just to adorn Nurgle structures in general! Plus all the normal uses. Great job on the terrain, BTW! Wow!

    1. Thanks Lissanne! It has gone a lot smoother then I anticipated. It's has however exceeded my expectations in look so far.

  2. It all looks edible, like giant terrain cakes! Lovely work though, looking forward to seeing how that foam paints up...

    1. Plah Ploo! Yuck! It does not taste like cake. LOL Paint hopefully get's applied this weekend. Fingers crossed.

  3. Looking great! Lots of eye candy/ Easter eggs on those boards. Makes me want to do some. I just need to bulldoze space in my garage.

    1. Thanks Sean, there will be a lot more on there once the ground get's painted. Go rent a bulldozer this weekend. ;)
