Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, September 7, 2015

Oldhammer Weekend USA: Tablequest...what's that? Click and find out!

Tablequest is only the best new free wargame ruleset you can play with your Oldhammer minaitures.
If you can't take my word for it, check out this sweet battle report Bulldog Lopez and I  played with it!  It was pretty ball'n, especially using Bulldog's Mighty Forest as a backdrop!!!  Enjoy, and I look forward to hearing from those who give the rule set a shot.

Well that concludes my Oldhammer Weekend USA 2015 coverage.  I hope you all enjoyed all the reports, and pics.  I know I enjoyed bringing them to you all, especially those who could not attend.
I met old friends, and some very cool new ones.  Most of them can be found up on the right in my friends of the blog section.  If you aren't publicly following them as well, go over and check them out, because you should be.

Until next time. ;)


  1. I was expecting heroquest played with tables instead of heroic models !
    Once the disapointment was past, it was actually very enjoyable !
    You guys pulled a fabulous event in the new world, slow claps for you all ;)

    1. Oh JB your joker. LOL Glad you liked the report. Don't worry I will have some proper Heroquest coming up in the near future. ;)

      Thanks for the kind words about the weekend. I thought everything went smashing! Now to focus on next year.

  2. Sweet report. I'm going to set up a game to try out with my son. The main area where I get bogged down with him is if the rules aren't fast play enough. He needs to be rolling dice and pushing lead. Looking up rules is not his thing.

    1. Looking forward to seeing how it works for you. My need for the simpler rules was time. With a family business and all three of us brothers with families, time to get together and just hangout has become very logistical.
