Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Monday, August 31, 2015

Klint Beastwood: A Frostgrave, Oldhammer Barbarian

So you may remember my post way back before Oldhammer weekend about my excitement over the Frostgrave Barbarian.  Well I have finally got him painted.  I looked through many pages of online photos for inspiration.  Finally settling on some similar schemes shown below.

Then thanks to pintrest...yes we wargamers can use this. It's not just our wives.  I stumbled upon the ombre fire hair!

So without further ado I give you Klint Beastwood the greatest barbarian ever!

I'm not going to fill you with pages of backstory and fluff on Klint.  His story is yet to be written across the game tables of the Oldhammer world.  I also have an idea for a warband to follow him but that is for another blogpost. ;)


  1. Genius use of colours, I am sooo stealing this at some point !

    1. Thanks JB, can't wait to see what you come up with. ;)

  2. cool..he kinda looks like the Heroquest barbarian with clothes on :)

    1. I thought the same thing. He really was a joy to paint. If you don't have one yet head for to Northstar and snatch him up.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Sean! Hopefully a new warband for next years Oldhammer weekend.

  4. I haven't seen this figure before and I really like the dynamic pose. It must have been windy that day! Your colours too are also extremely effective and blend well against each other. Topper skin tones too! A fine piece of work.

    1. Thanks James. I have to hand it to Mark Copplestone, sometimes his figures paint themselves. ;)

      You should really check out the Northstar Frostgrave range. Some really cool minis. I am not buying into a new ruleset, but some of those minis need to be seen on an Oldhammer battlefield.

  5. Excellent work on the figure and the photography for his "story" I'm excited to watch his tale unfold....

    1. Thanks Blue! I have some ideas for him in the future.

  6. Love the colours you've used in his hair, great stuff as usual!

    1. Stuart glad you like him. I have really been thinking lately to add more fantastical elements to my figures. They are fantasy after all. Subtle changes like odd hair or weapons colors make for some believable schemes.
