Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Thursday, May 21, 2015

My Oldhammer Chaos Army


Vasken before he died and turned to chaos.
The hordes of Black Vasken the Tattered Prince better known as the Goonies are at the moment complete.  I am very pleased with how the army has come together.  edit: I'm adding a new character....then they are done.....maybe. ;)                                               

I have done my best to stick with the spirit of Stillmania.  I think I have achieved this...except coating my army in the layers of gloss varnish! 

I will be bringing this army to Oldhammer Weekend U.S.A. taking on all comers.   Hoping to slay and cause red ruin!!!

 As you can see the army consists of two divisions.  One lead by Black Vasken consisting of hounds, a large unit of chaos dwarf infantry lead by the Viscious Vollrath, Vasken at the head of Kannonball Kellerman's Heartbreakers.  Then Garth leads the trolls.

The black flag division is further broken down into two battalions:

The second division is lead my Count Metalmane (For now) who commands his band of chaos warriors.  The rest of the division consists of another unit of hounds, and two units of chaos dwarf cavalry.

 The red flag division can also be broken down into tow battalions:
Black Vasken's victory dance


  1. You better be ready to do the dance at oldhammer day!

  2. You better be ready to do the dance at oldhammer day!

  3. Stunning!

    BTW, you won the Quindia Studiosv100 post give away... get in touch so I can mail your mini!

  4. Fantastic looking army dude. Very cool that you added the Chaos Dwarf cavalry to it. :)

  5. A really nice army. I like your paint scheme and style, it emphasizes the delightfully grotesque oldhammer miniatures :)

  6. A really terrific army!!!! And so nice to be able to click on the pics to make them bigger and enjoy your wonderful minis even more! I am hard-pressed to decide which unit I like the best, although the Dwarf cavalry is especially mind-blowing and inspiring. Also your presentation really rocks - I love the tabletop with all its colours that perfectly offset and highlight your amazing army, Mr. Airbornegrove26. I would be honoured and abuzzed to meet this army on the Tabletop!

    1. Thank you very much sir. What a wonderful comment! If your in the states you should come to Oldhammer weekend and we can get a game in. If your in Europe I would very much like to make the trip someday to Bring out your Lead at Foundry, and maybe we will battle then. Till then keep the dice rolling. ;)

  7. Two mutant Ogres! That's just cheeky! Lovely well painted force!

    1. LOL It took me awhile to get them both. ;) Thanks.

  8. Brilliant; love it! Needs more gloss varnish though ;)


  9. A truly epic and powerful force of Chaotics! Just a great mix of miniatures and a well developed background plus your unique and striking color scheme adds up to the perfect combination.

    Love it!


  10. Stunning I love the army, you should be proud mate.

    1. Thanks for the comment Brett and the follow. ;)
      Oh I am proud. I love how this army turned out, and the extra effort in characters always makes for a fun game on the table top. Glad you like them.
