Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I was skimming through my White Dwarfs the other night and came upon this little gem.  I had never seen it before.  After reading it I am sure that I can put this to use for myself to Warhammer.  I might run a little campaign with forces ranging from 2000-500 points depending on the objective.

Hope you can garner some ideas/inspiration from reading it as well. Which will lead to more games, as we should all play more! ;)

Life has really been getting in the way, so with smaller points and quicker games with a greater focus on narratives.  I am hoping to get in more material to write up more sweet comic reports!

After reading this I checked out some more of Adrian Wood's White Dwarf articles.  Most are RT/40K which I really never had much interest in so didn't read them.  I missed out, there are some very cool little articles e put together.  I wonder where he is  these days? You don't hear him mentioned much in the Oldhammer scene.


  1. An interesting idea that has been revisited in a few WD's over the years. The 40k in 40 minutes rules were probably the best ones to follow. If someone plonked an avatar on the table in a 600 point game against me I'd definitely wander off, bored!

    1. Agreed, they were followed by the Border Patrol rules for Fantasy. Defo a good way of getting multiple small forces painted up.

    2. Yup I had to take on a daemon prince one time in a 500 point game. I just resolved myself to try and wound it.

  2. Ahh, I remember this one very fondly. Ironically enough I was playing 1000 point games more or less exclusively when I started off and wasn't sure what all the fuss was about. Definitely miss that small, scalable kind of fun now.

    One thing that leaps out is the bit about fourth level psykers. Nobody's ever been able to trust anyone with those bally things, it seems... someone could have done with a read of this before they wrote the current WFB.

    1. Any rules sets really after 4th Fantasy and 2nd 40k. I don't think the intention was to make 4th level the norm but it certainly did happen.

      5th Fantasy had a nice campaign system that limited Wizards really nicely by making them related to territory and also set armies at about 1500pts, which for Fantasy is a nice size. That said, i also have very fond memories of playing 500pt games.

  3. Adi is still working for GW in The Black Library
