Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Oldhammer New Banners

All defeated foes must do the Truffle Shuffle
So what do we do when we can't work all week.  Usually paint, but I haven't been in the mood.  Next is game, which again I haven't been in the mood.  I got Isandwaaaaghla set up down stairs, but I think the Battle at Little Troll Horn to it out of me for a week or two.

So instead I have been tinkering around with new banners and army sheets, besides checking the forum and Facebook group like 20 times a day.

Anyway all of these have been Chunk approved.

I am really running with this Goonies theme!


  1. I watched the Goonies with my kids a few months ago. I had forgotten how much cursing there was! Of course, they loved it.

    I dig the army sheet layout, colorful but clean. Nice work!

  2. Ya those 80's PG/PG13's could get away with an F word here and there, and the occasional boob!
