Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The clearing of the Varge Envoy by the Doom Dragoons


  1. I love your story boards, they're awesome, very nicely painted minis too.

  2. Brilliant! I was literally on the edge of my seat while reading that account of this honorable action. the Emperor will be pleased.

  3. Fantastic batreps. I only have three weaknesses: Oldhammer, Space Hulk, and cinnamon buns. You're 2 for 3! What's the program you're using to make them???

    You might want to check out and get added to the blog roll, you're our kind of people.

    Feet and knees together!

  4. Bush Thanks for the comments! I use Comic Life. I prefer Comic Life 1 over the new 3. Went over and checked your stuff out and hit follow. I will send you the info for the blogroll. Thanks again!
