Combat Burgers

Why Oldhammer

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Grim Shadows-Homebrew Heroquest Campaign

Here is the start of my very own questline "Grim Shadows"  based off the Trial.  Enjoy!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas Oldhammer

Hope you all are having a merry holidays.  Enjoy the family, gifts, and hopefully some quite undisturbed HOBBY TIME!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Heroquest Inspiration: The Trial

I don't know what it is, but I am always coming back to the first quest in the book the Trial.  For me out of all the quest's ever made for the game including the expansions this is by far my favorite.

Partly I think it comes down to the names....I mean come on Verag, and Fellmarg those are pretty sweet!  Then we have the right recipe for a quest a foul character in Verag has taken over and defiled the tomb of Fellmarg. Or has he?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Go and buy Red and Pleasant Land!

If you want to get in on a mash up of Alice and Wonderland, Dracula and Realms of Chaos go and buy this!  I skimmed over the pdf. last amazeballz, Zak will make your head explode with awesomeness! I will attempt to wait and read the actual book when it ships to me.  #RedandPleasantLand

Anyway there is definitely material in there that can really be used for Oldhammer Inspiration.

Monday, December 1, 2014

BOYLdrick the herald of Khorne!

Just finished up my BOYLdrick, he will now be Black Vasken's personal herald/jester.  Awesome figure to paint.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Vasken gets pwned for Black Friday! #YOLO

So with a short window to play today (the wife at work, and the pun'kin down for nap), we descended to the basement for a quick game of Oldhammer! Today I tried a horde of weak did not pan out.  I will be lowering the number and beefing them up a bit for tomorrow's game.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving here's some LOTR

Some new additions to my LOTR group.  Here we have the brothers Lighthoof and Longstride. They bring some much needed height and speed to the warband.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Battle among the graves.

This weekend was my veterans day/birthday wargaming extravaganza!  It is a time when I force my family to wargame with me.  =) Not all the players were familiar with 3E, so I came up with a simple idea to modify Heroquest stats and dice.

Each warband had 12 members they're stats where up to the players.  Each warband got to have 20 hitpoints, 20 attacks, and 20 defense to be divided between them.  This gave quite a bit of flexibility, and also a sense of tension as we did not know the stats of our opposing players.

Player initiative was card based per turn, and combat was with the Heroquest dice with all figures defending with white shields.  Simply put all hits occurred on 4,5,6.  All saves could be defended with 5,6.  All in all it was quite fun, and seemed to be the favorite game of the day, with us playing three total games of it.

Now on to the action!

Steppenwolf or How to create an Eternal Champion

A while back Warlord Paul broached the topic of having us all create a character in our own likeness on Google+.  I already had one Schmendrick......but.   If you all have WD #242 you might remember the article on the chaos Champion Steppenwolf.  If not please look it over at the end of the post.

Anyway the gist of the article was that a French GW Francois-Xavier Ngo had modeled an immortal champion who could fight across time and space.  He had a model or two for every game.  With that in mind and Warlord Paul bringing up the subject I set to work making my own Steppenwolf...his name is Schmendrick.

Now the keen follower will remember that Schmendrick is already the name of my Heroquest hero.  Well I needed him elsewhere as well.  So we now have three versions of the character for: Heroquest, Oldhammer chaos, Spacehulk/40K.

He isn't a spitting image of me (he has a bit more hair), but he does embody my persona on the wargame table bringing the pain with his fiery sword Fellmarg!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The painting table: Dwellers of the Dungeon

Sometimes in the depths of the dungeon there are things that will make your heroes run with fear......
other times it might just be three pigs.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Oldhammer U.S.A. loot

So Blue has given an excellent overview of the weekend as a whole.  I could only echo is commentary.  Let's just say I had a blast, and it was really good to visit and put face's with names.  So on to the loot.  Blake aka Kaaleb Hordes handed out the event mini Bolydirk, thanks Foundry and Kev Adams for this treasure that's him in the center.

As for the rest I scored these on the cheap, no citadel marauder oldhammer RoC propainted then dissolved with simple green oop  1000.00 by it now prices here!

So what did I get well.  I got Slambo up there in the middle, as well as the two chaos warriors on each of his flanks.  I also scored the chaos knight torso with pigtails, to add some more estrogen to my chaos forces.  Lastly I snagged the  Terminator captain on a whim, just because.....well because Don Sargent got me fired up to play Space Hulk!

On a side note, with an 11 hour drive on the way home it gave me sometime to think.  I got a crazy notion to remount my whole chaos army on 30x30mm bases or 30x60mm bases for the cavalry.  Several of my figures have swords sticking out at weird angles that 25mm bases make extremely tight to rank up sometimes. So just wanted to see what anyone thought about this idea before I started removing all my figures!

The Grand Review

Here is the rest of the collection that serves as a backdrop to my main armies.  These are the villains, henchman, and the unfortunate civilians that get caught up in the drama of my Oldhammer world.
Also included is my Oldhammer library, as well as some 40K stuff.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Quest for Stillmania: The Background

Nigel discusses in this article his options or thoughts about his armies background.  He then goes on to include his order of battle.  He then creates his army list filled with named characters and units and comes in just under 2000 points.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Halloween Quest

I wanted a zombie game for Halloween, and came up with this.  Enjoy!

If you run this let me know how it goes.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Quest for Stillmania: Painting

Now for the devlan mud approach.  I think the best thing to take away from this article is Nigel's painting style.  It just goes to show that a simple table top paint job with the use of ink, wash, army painter or the like will do.  No golden demon paint jobs here. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Google+ should really give it a try!

For awhile now Google+  has been used by rpg groups to host games across the vast interwebs.  I had really pondered on this idea and decided why not use it for wargaming.  So me and Gaj from had been talking and decided to give it a go.  We first decided to get together and discuss the game and just visit, I have never had so much fun talking about Warhammer!  We visited for about 45 minutes before my connection went out, otherwise I think we would have visited a bit longer. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Quest for Stillmania: Building an army

This is a series of articles that discusses Nigel building a Bretonnian army.  However his advice and themes can be used for any army in the Oldhammer world.  So don't worry I haven't sold my should and turned to knights in shining army.  I am still collecting those skulls for the blood god.

Friday, October 10, 2014

It's Hoody Weather

The wife and daughter got me these awesome gifts. A custom made Heroquest hoody and t-shirt!
I am very pleased with how they turned out, and was blown away by the thought of the gift!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A quest for Stillmania: Full Tilt

Now in White Dwarf 215 we are granted a nice little one shot of a full game created by none other then Mr. Stillmania himself.  With complete rules, and card terrain.  This is the lead up to Nigel's next Stillmania series: Questing for the Grail.  A three part series showing the Stillmania doctrine for building his Bretonnian army. Which I will get to in due time.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Enrich your Blades with Deeds of Violence

So  with a busy schedule up to Oldhammer USA I thought I might get a quick jump on everything so I am not rushed days before.  The only thing that is missing from my army is 2 chaos dwarfs.  I'm not holding my breath on getting these before the Oldhammer Day though.  However I have finally Stillmania'ed my list and am posting it for viewing.  Let me know what you think.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dread Banners

I have been having some trouble figuring out what I want to do with my chaos army banners.  For a quick fix I had tried printing off a number of internet images to suffice.  They were not up to snuff.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Quest for Stillmania: Nigel get's Stillmania in a Battle Report

I will let the report speak for itself in this post.  I mean come on my two favorite GW staff Nigel Stillman and Rick Priestley you could ask for more.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Did I score a production copy of 3E.?


*Update:  So the photobucket fail hit this post, and I was reediting it today.  Then it hit me...duh Why didn't you ask anyone at BOYL while you were there.  Totally slipped my mind.  That quote on the 3rd page got me thinking again, and would like to get some concrete answers on this.  If anyone has any leads or ideas on the matter it would be much appreciated.  Is this a production copy or what?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Great Cattle Raid!.....and your thoughts?

So I haven't been doing much lately as work, life, lack of inspiration...well you know. So the other night I woke up at 23:00 and just could not get back to sleep. So I came down stairs and turned the computer on and I had a thought. Let's roll up a RoC champ. Well not so much roll, but more tweak what I already had. I had planned for awhile to turn Schmendrick and a few other figures into a game able warband. So that night I got all my stats squared away. Then with the wife and daughter out of town this weekend, I decided to rebase the figures as they just did not look cohesive. So then I thought why not get a solo game in since no one was around. So for the pure enjoyment of the forum, all from a night of insomnia, and an inspiration to rebase figures! I give you......

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Quest for Stillmania: Raise the Levy

Collecting an Army WD 193

Nigel takes us through the steps of creating an army the Stillhammer way.

We start of with a quick overview, where he states that raising an army is a methodical thing that we should really take some deep thought in before we start to recruit our soldiers.

So what army should you start with.  Well this quote says it all, "If I were suddenly transported into the warhammer world by a wizard whose army would I rather end up in?"

Monday, September 8, 2014

LOTR dwarfs/show us your blue beards

Here is my ME  Lotr Misty Mountain Patrol for my Rankin Bass project.   Brokk Gromson and his brother Brazz command the small Misty Mountain Patrol.  The stay out on the trails for weeks on end, patrolling for orcs and other foul beast that dwell in the dark.

Friday, September 5, 2014

A Quest for Stillmania

Hello fellow Stillmaniacs,  Let's get ready and dive into some Stillhammer!
I don't know about you but I find myself constantly thumbing through my collection of White Dwarfs.  Issue 197 is one I come back to again and again.  It has actually vaulted it self into the nightstand bookshelf in a place of lauded glory.  Oh yes back on topic....Stillmania.

Here we are in June 1996 over a decade since the release of Warhammer 3E. and Realm of Chaos.  During the "GW Red Period" it has become a scene of tourney play and "Herohammer".  But do not despair fellow Oldhammerer's  there is a shining beacon of hope and his name is Nigel Stillman.  We all  know him as the man who authored Warhammer armies, and for a period would write an article here and there.  But it would seem for the most part that Nigel would stay in the shadows.  Then came Warhammer armies Empire, he would then continue on to write several more Warhammer army books: Wood Elves, Lizardmen, Bretonnia.

I still can't get enough of the Stillmania articles though.  They only spanned about 7-10 White Dwarf issues.  But these words of wisdom shine down from above on us mere mortals.  Harkening back to the days of Oldhammer and once again showing that it is okay to play the game in our childhood innocence and have fun!

Now this is an ethos I could strive to follow......
WD Issue 221 p. 75

So journey with me back to the time of Stillhammer and become a Stillmaniac like me!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Heroquest for Adults: Going Solo

I have titled this Heroquest for Adults in a tip of the hat to Gaj over at Warhammer for Adults.

If you are into war gaming at all you should take the time to give this article a read, and check out his blog.

What follows is a slightly long winded view of my new gaming direction and what it holds for my future projects. As I try to lead a real life and find time to game with enthusiasm.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Get the pigs!

Here is the first battle report I ever did for the Oldhammer forum. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The saga of Vollrath the Indecisive

Here is my small 1000 pt army of Khorne. Just got it finished up due to a couple of snow days. Enjoy!

Vollrath goes questing

Got a chance to play another game this weekend. Have been extremely lucky to get this many games in.
Also I want to say Lvl 15 trolls are awesome!!! When they aren't standing there drooling all over themselves.
If anyone has scenario suggestions or wants me to try something different next game let me know.
I am very open to suggestions and you guys are the ones reading this dribble. :D

Survival of the Fittest: The Exciting Finale

Here we have the final installment of this little campaign. My opponent decided they didn't want to rescue Mad Mort's drunk ass. So he had a go of it with Sorsha leading the warband. Around turn 2-3 I thought he had it as my whole line was routing. Then his slayers charged into the back of his beastmen routing everyone, and chasing them off the field. Sorsha attempted to salvage some dignity and quit the field. I had a lot of fun with this. Then next step is for my opponents to get their own forces together and see what we can come up with.

RoC: Survival of the Fittest pt.2

Here is the next installment, full of naked goats, and a homoerotic Slaanesh scene for Chico.

As always all questions and comments welcome, enjoy!

RoC: Survival of the Fittest

So with two chaos armies complete, it was time to get a game in.
After the initially thinking I would have to have a solo campaign I got my brother and father to coordinate as GM/opponents.

How I Warband Oldhammer style

So I have been trying to break my gaming partners of the 3000 pt army before I game syndrome. It is tough when you have painters as gaming partners and they would much rather knock out 10 more figures, then play with the five they already have finished. :evil:

Then I thought if this is a problem for me it might be a problem for some of you. So I headed to our trusty Oldhammer sites, revamped a couple of the articles with comic life, and printed up the articles to hand out.

Another Oldhammer Blog

So a brief introduction....Hi I'm airbornegrove26!  After reading Orlygg's post: 
I thought it was time for me to take the plunge.  Work has finally slowed down for a bit, give me a little more free time.  So hopefully I can knock out a few post this week to get us some substance on here.